Monday, January 31, 2011

Yep she's taken over!

So I guess it's pretty obvious by now, but Ruby has definitely taken over this blog. lol. She's my only kitty that stays inside 24/7, so she's always by my side or nearby. Winston (black fluffy) goes in and out and he normally just sleeps, so I never get any good pics of him lol. I will post them when I do though!

Now on to the pics! I took these with the new Sony Bloggie that my parents got me for Christmas. It's basically the same thing as the Flip camera. It takes decent pics, but I've used it more than my regular camera lately because I... uhhh.... can't find my other camera! :-P Oh wellz...

Cat in the Box

Innocent eyes (Guilty mind).

This is either a half-wink or a scowl. Hard to tell with this one. :-P

"You didn't just take my picture did you?"

*sigh* "I guess I'll pose then."

"I'll sleep awkwardly for your precious picture too."

Wicked Witch of the East pose

Rigor mortis curled up toes crime scene pose [RHYME!]

"Look, ma! I caughted a mouse!"

Possum cat to the rescue! (Look at those TEEF!)

Ruby, I love your eyes so much that I'm gonna take 20 pics of them!

*Poses eyes for hooman*

((This is torture.))

"Look at me in my eyeball!"

DONE! :-) Sorry for my kitty nerdiness! :-B

Oh and I have to add THIS nerdiness while I'm at it:

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Randomly Ruby

"I saw what you did on the internets."

Always watching.

Kinda wompy.

Posey kitty.

More with the posing.

She likes to chill on a nice brown paper bag from time to time.


You can now slice kitteh into nice, even slices! BUY NOW!

All I want for Christmas is...

A kitteh with orange eyes...

And one who stays UNDER the tree, not ON! :-p

Meow. Pretty. The end.

Monday, November 15, 2010

A balancing act

(^^Kitteh is a basket case ;-) ^^)

Sometimes I wonder if Ruby wants to join the circus. She is always finding something to balance on whether it's my blanket rack:

Or my shower curtain rod:

Okay, okay... I'll admit that I'm the one that put her on the shower curtain rod! lol. But I think I may have created a new monster in doing so because there's no telling what she'll try to jump on now! :-P As for the first picture of her in the laundry basket, I discovered that she LOVES to play in them (even the tall ones) and she even loves to be spun around in them! Funny little kitty. My other cat jumped out as soon as I put him in there! lol

And for cuteness sake:

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Old news is better than no news, right!?

This actually happened shortly after I got Ruby, but I figured this would be the best place to post it, of course!

I entered pictures of Ruby on the website and she was FEATURED the next day (July 2, 2010)! :-D

Here's a screenshot of her on The Daily Kitten homepage:

And here she she is from my iGoogle page:

And lastly, here's the link to her feature! :)

She's like... Famous or something! haha. She really is a pretty kitty. If only she'd stop being a little terror!! ;-P

Monday, November 1, 2010


I realize it seems that I basically gave up on this little kitty blog, but PURRRHAPS I have not! I think I just get caught up in trying to come up with things to SAY, when in all reality, the pictures speak volumes for themselves! So without further adieu, here's a picture recap of what's been going on! :)

She buries her food bowl with random objects when she doesn't eat it all!:

Yea... that was a CONDENSED version of the pictures I've taken in the past couple of months! You're welcome! :-D